Social Media

Build A Community Online

Leverage the power of Social Media to grow your business awareness in the local community, country or world.

Social media is a mixed blessing for local businesses. On the plus side, social media is one of the fastest ways to communicate with customers and to build brand recognition, trust, and website traffic among prospects. On the downside, if not properly managed, maintaining your social media marketing effort can be incredibly time consuming and exhausting.

The real magic behind social media marketing is its ability to go viral. A single, engaging, social media message has the potential to reach a far larger audience than targeted thanks to the ability to “share” content on a network. When content is shared it takes on a new sense of credibility. The message is no longer coming from you; it is coming from a trusted friend or associate giving the message a “word of mouth” quality and that’s a golden referral.

If you are going to compete you are going to have to be engaged with social media. The question becomes which of the hundreds of platforms do you use?

Maximizing Return – Minimizing Time Invested

Simple Biz Support encourages all of our clients to use social media to strengthen their online presence but the recommendation is made after careful consideration. Social media is essential but not all platforms are appropriate and that’s why we spend the time learning what your goals are, who your customers are and what commitment in time and resources you can make. Knowing your business allows us to design a campaign that can deliver the results you want within the parameters you set.

If you are new to social media you probably think it will take a significant amount of time to build up a network of followers and fans but the truth is you already have one; you just haven’t introduced them to your new online properties. Your customer base is your network. These are folks that have already expressed their confidence in you by using your service or buying your products. They are also the most likely to become your first “advocates” online and you can bet that each of them has a network of their own that they regularly share information with.

At Simple Biz Support we will do all the heavy lifting designing a campaign, developing the platforms and managing the messages. We get the maximum results for our clients with minimum time invested by them.

Interested? Give us a call now at 707-520-4792 and find out the whole story on the value of a Simple Biz Support social media package!


There are 3 ways to get started:

  1. DIY:
    Do-It-Yourself is the best way to get your feet wet if you’re not sure if Social Media marketing is right for your business. DIY training is a system of affordable training videos to give you confidence and the competitive edge over your competition.
  2. Consulting
    Consulting services give you the direct knowledge you need to take your social media marketing to the next level.
  3. Done For You
    When you’re ready to turn the daily upkeep of social media marketing, special training and marketing plan to a qualified marketing team, we can help.

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