To review your analytics on LinkedIn, you’ll first need to log in then make sure you’re on the home screen.
Look for your profile picture, directly to the right, click on the number of people that have viewed you in the last 30 days. You’re going to get three options across the top. The first one being how many people have viewed you in the last 90 days.
The one that I really like to look at is how many people have viewed your post. I like to go to the last 30 days. This is gonna be the most recent post and then the post to the right are in chronological order. I can get an idea of who’s actually reading my content, not specifically who, but what content is being read, and then I can use that information to make sure I create compelling content for my audience moving forward. The last thing you can look at is how your profile ranks overall. In my category, I rank in the top 32% of profiles being viewed.
Check out your analytics on LinkedIn today.
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