Adding a card to a YouTube video is an easy way to get people to watch more of your content. In order to do so, all you need to do is log in to your YouTube channel, click on video manager, then click edit on the video that you actually want to put the card on.
Then at the top, click on card. This will bring up your video, along with the scrub bar and a timeline. Let’s say, I want to add a card right around the two minute mark. going to move the scrub bar, then click add card. Here we have five options. I can add a video or playlist, promote another channel, create a donation option, generate a poll, and create a link to a verified page. In this case, I want to link to my other Social Media Wednesday. So, I’m going to click on playlist, Social Media Wednesday, create card.
Now at the 2:02 mark, this little icon will pop up, and people can check out my card.
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