
Are you a small business owner struggling to achieve the success that you want? Even when working with the best business consultant in Santa Rosa? Well, there’s something about the way your brain avoids success that I think you need to hear.

I am Ryan Perry CEO of Simple Biz Support in Sonoma County. I help small business owners find success. Not through will or determination, but through understanding.

Here’s a scenario you may have experienced yourself. You hire a business consultant to help you grow your business. The great thing about working with a good business coach or consultant is that they create a roadmap, outlining step-by-step, how to grow sales to boost your bottom line. Often, the problem is in the execution of the plan. Sound familiar?

The business owner gets all excited as they have this roadmap to success laid out in front of them. But, when it comes to implementing the plan, something changes. Something doesn’t feel right, insecurities creep in and they often begin to doubt themselves. Why does the thought of success – getting what we want, create anxiety and other negative emotions?

There’s a reason it’s called the critter brain, also known as the reptile brain. The critter brain only cares if you’re alive. The only question it asks is, ‘am I alive’? And, the answer must be yes. Otherwise, well you know! The critter brain doesn’t have feelings or emotions and doesn’t really care what your conscious brain thinks about how life is going or how you feel. It doesn’t care if you’re happy, sad, wealthy, poor or live in the life that you want. It only cares that you are alive. The best way it knows to keep you alive is to live the life you’ve been living. It’s proven to work. You’re alive after all aren’t you? Any grand attempt to live outside the norm causes the critter brain to get ‘all worked up’ and triggers defense mechanisms to ensure your survival.

Think about this for a moment. The number one problem that plagues small business owners is sales. Growing their business. You’ve probably struggled for some time to grow your business. Consciously you want more customers, more money, more vacations and you deserve it. When it comes to taking the action steps to growing your business, something doesn’t feel right. There’s a tightness in your belly or maybe in your chest. You find excuses why you can’t make the phone calls or go to the networking events. Instead, you find busy work and frustration sets in. ‘Tomorrow’ you tell yourself. ‘Tomorrow I’ll make those phone calls. I’ll do what I need to do to grow my business.’ But you don’t. And you become increasingly frustrated with yourself and you go back to doing the same routine as before. Now success and your goal seem even further away. That’s the critter brain kicking in. Keeping you safe and secure in your comfort zone by generating those negative feelings. Thoughts of inadequacies or feeling scared. You see it’s not your fault. It’s the critter brain’s fault.

The critter brain has been actively protecting you since the day you were born. It has learned through life experiences what is safe, and it’s done a masterful job of keeping you safe all these years. It’s why you’re still alive. The problem with the critter brain is that it doesn’t update as we age and most of the safety pattern it’s learned to protect you was cemented in place by the age of four.

Essentially, you’re making decisions today based on the understandings of a four-year-old. Remember when I said it’s not your fault? I truly mean it. The good thing is that the critter brain can be updated. Think of achieving success as an internal GPS program. You plug in your destination to success and you follow the GPS map. The only problem is that you’re operating with an outdated map from 20, 30, 40 or more years ago. It’s going to be pretty hard to get where you want to go using an outdated map isn’t it? By updating the map, you can easily navigate towards the success that you want without struggle or the negative emotions you’re currently experiencing. Wouldn’t that be more beneficial for you?

If you said yes at any point during this video and are interested in learning more about updating your success map. Click here on the link below for more information and schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation with myself. I want to hear your success story, so we can update your GPS map to lead you straight there.