Video: A Marketing Asset With Longevity
When I say video is a marketing asset, what I mean is that it has a longevity. It has a shelf life. Video sticks around and gets you visibility unlike [...]
Save Characters, Tag People In Twitter Photos
Here's an example on Twitter where I've uploaded an image and I have my content, and I almost ran out of characters, but I wanted to include a person [...]
The iPhone App For Better Video
Part of shooting great video is having access to the controls on the camera that you're using. In case of the iPhone camera, typically, the controls a [...]
Know Your Audience – Advance Twitter Analytics
In a previous #ONeMinuteMarketingTip, I showed you how to access your Twitter analytics by clicking on your profile and then analytics. And we talked [...]
Don’t Use Automatic Responses in LinkedIn
When I got up for breakfast this morning, my phone was going off and LinkedIn updates kept on coming through, all these new email messages out of the [...]
Should I Upload Video To YouTube And Facebook?
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowf [...]
How To Delete A User From WordPress Website
To delete a user on WordPress, all you need to do is log in to WordPress as an administrator and on the left-hand side, click on "User." This will lis [...]
Backup Your Website NOW Before It’s Too Late!
Listen to podcast: Transcription: Good morning, internet fans. It's Ryan Perry, Simple Biz Support. Today is a Thursday, January... I almost gong to s [...]
How To Add a Call To Action When Uploading Video To Facebook
Call to action (CTA) are a great marketing tool, and they should be used at the end of every video that you upload on Facebook because it prompts the [...]