Seasonal Twitter Marketing Calendar
When you build out your marketing calendar, you want to make sure that you include all of your social media feeds including Twitter. Think about seaso [...]
A Strategic Look At The Hashtags You Tweet
If you're like me, you're wondering how good you're posting on Twitter. Are you doing a good job incorporating hashtags, pictures, images, linking bac [...]
SEO Optimize Title Tag On A Website
Title tags are still important from an SEO point of view because it's like a book title. If you don't title the book, how are you going to know what i [...]
How To Merge Duplicate Facebook Business Pages
To merge two business Facebook pages, you'll need to go to this link right here, which I'll include below, and there are three caveats that you need t [...]
Create A Gravitar Account And Be Seen!
Have you ever read a blog post such as this one on and when you got to the bottom to the message section you notice that some people ha [...]
Know Your YouTube Audience To Craft Best Marketing Message
Any good marketing program is going to have relevancy. That is, the content created is going to be relevant to the audience. This is especially true o [...]
5 Ways To Use Pinterest Analytics To Improve Your Marketing
Listen to podcast: Transcription: Good morning, internet fans. Ryan Perry here, Simple Biz support. Today is Social Media Wednesday. It's January, Wed [...]
Search Hashtags Across 4 Social Media Platforms At Once
To do a search for hashtag, there's two ways we can go about it: The hard way or the easy way. To me the hard way is going to all the different social [...]
Why You Should Pin A Tweet On Twitter
Before I show you how to pin content on your Twitter account, I want to explain the marketing benefit, and that is when you pin content, it's going to [...]